What do you think are the problems faced by youngsters? what role the government can play to solve these problems?
Undoubtedly, youngsters are the future of any nation and they play a pivotal role in the progress of the country. but nowadays, they are facing a number of problems which are ignored by the higher authorities. there are a number of problems faced by them and public administration must find appropriate solutions to solve them.this will be discussed in the upcoming paragraphs. What do you think are the problems faced by youngsters?
The first and foremost reason is poverty due to which a large proportion of youth is unable to afford higher education and this leads to unemployment in the state. moreover, corruption has spread its roots in every field and as a result, eligible persons are unable to get a job. some young ones become drug addicts and indulged in various crimes and unsocial activities like robbery, gambling, and even murder also to fulfill their basic needs. some go into depression and they do not understand what is right and wrong for them.
Every problem is born with a solution and the government should be aware of the problems of adolescents. for instance, scholarships and loans should be arranged for the youth so that they could get a good education. the other thing that government should do is to uproot the evil of corruption from the society. the government can arrange counseling programmes not only to protect them from drug addiction and other crimes but provide them with better opportunities to progress in every phase of life. by doing this, the government will not only make their future bright but raise the economic condition of the country also. What do you think are the problems faced by youngsters?
In conclusion, youth is the power of the state and they are the building blocks of every society. they are part and parcel of the nation and authorities could not ignore them. the need of the time is to take proper measures so that they could take part in the flourishment of the country. What do you think are the problems faced by youngsters?
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