Write a letter to the local council about the poor condition of roads in your area. Include the following in your letter:
- Explain the situation and the road’s condition.
- How does it affect you and other people?
- Suggest what measures need to be taken, in your opinion.
Respected Sir/ Madam;
This letter is being written to you by Mansi Patel, a resident of Santoshi Mata road premises, Ward no. 2. Through this letter, I would like to draw your attention to the deteriorating conditions of the road that connects our as well as most of the town’s street to railway station due to which there is constant traffic jam occurring on a daily basis and suggest a few ways in which this issue can be managed.
To put light on the main issue, Firstly, after every monsoon, the road is left with newer and deeper potholes. These potholes make the streets accident-prone. I have been the victim of a few minor accidents in the last six months. Secondly, the width of the road is reducing day by day due to increasing numbers of road vendors which finally becomes the reason for traffic accumulation.
I think this problem can be tackled by widening the road by imposing strict regulations on road vendors. As far as repairing the road is concerned, making new concrete roads will strengthen the road and fight the wear and tear induced by monsoon
Looking forward to getting a prompt response in action.
Thanking you,
Yours sincerely
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