You Have Been Invited to Speak at Your Old High School

You have been invited to speak at your old high school. Write to the school. In your letter

  • Suggest what you could speak about
  • Find out how long you will need to speak for
  • Ask how many people will be there

Dear Sir,

I am____name___, one of the Alumni from the school who is going to be visiting next week as I am getting the privilege to give an inspirational talk to the students on the occasion of Independence Day.

The invitation received was quite an open topic for the speech, so I wonder whether you think it is appropriate to talk about my career-building topic. At present, it is evident the amount of confusion students go through because of peer pressure from friends and family for their careers. As you know, I have spent a considerable amount of time over the last 7 years building a great job now however, I did have a fair share of ups and down which can also help students to understand the career journey and the choices they make after school.


In my speech, I will provide some concrete details on all the careers they could select from, along with my practical scenario, salary range, workload, and hard work required to achieve the same. If you could let me know the timeframe and schedule, I would plan my speech accordingly. Besides, I am also planning to create a short film on my career journey as it would help students to visually relate to the whole idea of the subject.

Moreover, I would also like to know about the audience we are expecting in our program and whether or not parents will attend the event. I need this information because if parents are present, I can motivate them to understand their children’s interest in choosing a career path and help to support them.

Last but not least, I would like to thank everyone at the high school who thought of inviting me to speak at such an important school event, and I will be waiting eagerly for the requested information.

Yours Sincerely,

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