Your Friend Has Asked You to Help Him/her to Find a Music Teacher

Your friend has asked you to help him/her to find a music teacher for his/her child. Write a letter to your friend that you have found a suitable teacher. In your letter, you should tell:

  • What experience the teacher has?
  • Why do you think he/she is suitable?
  • How to get in touch with the teacher?

Sample Answer of Your Friend Has Asked You to Help Him/Her to Find a Music Teacher

Dear ABC,

I’m very delighted to talk to you again. A couple of days ago, you asked for my help in finding a veteran music mentor for your child, David. I would like to tell you that I’ve found him and he is ready to teach David.

Let me tell you that the teacher, Mr Smith, who I’ve found, is very dedicated and proficient. He has immense experience in several music academies. In a nutshell, I can say he has 10 years of experience, and now he is running his own music academy in Chandigarh.


To be honest, I must say this person is suitable for your child as he is a jack of all trades and budding singers in the entertainment industry, are the product of his academy. Your child will be able to understand musical elements, namely melody, rhythm, beat Pitch and more. Besides, David will be able to develop essential life skills: confidence, participation and collaboration.

I would like to tell you that I have contacted Mr Smith by making a call to him and he gave an appointment and then we can go to meet him in person. If David is busy in the morning due to his schoolwork; then, Mr Smith also delivers lessons in the evening so David can catch the lessons and will not face any problem.

Hoping to see you soon!

Yours loving,

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