Your Workplace Does Not Have a Parking Area for Cars

Your workplace does not have a parking area for cars, and it is causing some problems. Write a letter to your manager; In your letter, you should:

Describe the problems
Explain why should solve the problems
And give your suggestions on how to solve the problems.

Dear Mr Rahul,

I am writing this letter regarding the problem we face due to the lack of parking space for our vehicles. Most of our company employees have their own vehicles and they used for the same for their official purpose. It isn’t easy to find a space to park these vehicles in our company compound.


Employees were engaged with their official travel, and once they back to the office, they did not get space for their vehicle. However, they park their vehicle on the roadside, which is far away from our organization. Apart from these, few employees got fined improper parking and restricted area parking.

As a reputed organization, our responsibility is to provide space for employee car parking, and our office manual mentioned this. In addition, due to improper parking, there is the chance for stole the vehicles. It may cause to reduce our transports and affect our projects.

We forward a suggestion for the upstairs parking for the last HSE meeting, and the management also notifies for the same. Would you mind following up on the proposal and advising management for solving this issue? Otherwise, it creates numerous issues, and that may not be good for our organization’s goodwill.

I hope you understand the issue and expecting adequate action.

Yours Sincerely,

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Also, Read Write a Letter to a Hotel Manager About a Party That You Want

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