A Local Newspaper Has Conducted a Competition Recently to Find a Person

A local newspaper has conducted a competition recently to find a person who contributed the most to society. Write a letter to the editor with a recommendation for a suitable person.

In your letter, you should tell:
who is that person
what is his/her contribution
how did you meet him/her

Dear Mr Editor,

I am one of the residents of our city. I am writing this letter to draw your attention to Mr Samual who works for the city.

Recently I saw your advertisement regarding the competition arranged. So I like to tell you something about one who does so much for the city but never shows about it. Mr Samual is running an organisation that supplies food to all the isolated people. He had also distributed the cycles to the needed school students. They are also the leader of the clean city campaign. There is much work done by him. I know his work very well as I am working with him. I have been with them for the last four years.

I hope you consider my suggestion.

I am waiting for your reply.

Yours faithfully

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