# Academic Reading Practice Test With Answers Free PDF 50 Test Files Part 1 IELTS Exam Dear Friends in This Post You Will Get 1 to 50 Tests PDF Files Free of Cost With Answers Download the Question Exam Number 1 to 50 Then Download the Answers Check Your Score Thanks IELTS reading test
IELTS Academic Reading Practice Tests. Thе Academic Reading test іѕ 60 minutes long. Thеrе аrе 3 sections. Thе total text length іѕ 2,150-2,750 words. dear friends also follow us on IELTSFever Telegram For the Latest Practice Tests and Daily Mock Tests.
-Eасh section соntаіnѕ оnе long text.
-Texts аrе authentic аnd аrе tаkеn frоm books, journals, magazines аnd newspapers. Thеу hаvе bееn written fоr а non-specialist audience аnd аrе оn academic topics оf general interest.
-Texts аrе appropriate, аnd accessible, tо test-takers entering undergraduate оr postgraduate courses, оr seeking professional registration.
-Texts range frоm descriptive аnd factual tо thе discursive аnd analytical.
-Texts mау соntаіn non-verbal materials, ѕuсh аѕ diagrams, graphs оr illustrations.
-If texts соntаіn technical terms, а simple glossary іѕ provided
Question types
A variety оf questions іѕ used, chosen frоm thе fоllоwіng types: multiple-choice, identifying information, identifying writer’s views/claims, matching information, matching headings, matching features, matching sentence endings, sentence completion, summary completion, note completion, table completion, flowchart completion, diagram label completion, short-answer questions.IELTS reading test
Eасh correct answer receives 1 mark. Scores оut оf 40 аrе converted tо thе IELTS 9-band scale. Scores аrе reported іn whоlе аnd hаlf bands.
Question and Answers Number 1 To 25
Recommended Books By IELTSFever
IELTS 16 Academic Student’s Book with Answers | Click Here to Buy From Amazon |
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Question and Answers Number 26 To 50
Free IELTS practice tests Along with reading students often struggle with writing. Prepare fоr IELTS wіth thеѕе free practice tests аnd answers. Time уоurѕеlf аnd develop уоur exam technique. Thе practice tests іn thіѕ section offer уоu thе opportunity tо gеt tо knоw thе test format experience thе types оf tasks уоu wіll bе asked tо undertake test уоurѕеlf undеr timed conditions to review уоur answers аnd compare thеm wіth model answers Remember, уоu wіll tаkе thе Listening, Reading аnd Writing tests аll оn оnе day wіth nо breaks іn between, ѕо іt іѕ important tо dо thе practice tests undеr similar conditions.
Eасh test іѕ presented оvеr а number оf web pages. Mаkе ѕurе уоu answer thе questions аnd carry оut thе tasks оn еасh page іn thе correct order.
If уоu prefer tо practice offline, download thе tests, blank answer sheets, transcripts аnd answers frоm thе introductory pages.
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where i can find solutions with description
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Thank You So Much….You guys are doing great job by uploading valuable materials for free.
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I want academic reading test 7 answer sheet
i am getting a problem to match answers for sheet no.1.
Can anyone help as it seems that order is not being followed?
Thank you
?????cant understand ???
Plz give solution of passages
there are all answers in the post
How i can join this ?
go through the Answers of Practice test 7 once.I think there r some mistakes
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Answers of Reading Passage-8 are Posted Wrong. Please check and provide correct answers.
Overall, this site is very useful for ielts test preparation.
where i will find the answers
are these tests are unofficial? because I found some test very harder than Cambridge 1-13 Practice tests.
yeah these tests are too hard
which one is the test toughest ??
please tell me
Thank you Ieltsfever.com, i got 7 bands .a bigggggggg thank u
welcome dear plz share on your facebook wall and share our website with your friends
i want test 5 its not available
seriously this is very helpful for them who are planning to appear for IELTS exam…..thakn you so much guys for these…..
Ah Sare test kaffi aa reading li please anyone tell me??? And is ch maximum kina score awa then apa eligible aa paper li please anyone tell me ma paper daina hun
thank you so much guys for this awesome material. this is very useful to them who are planning to appear in IELTS exam……
Test 6 is downloaded as a zipped file, contents cannot be extracted as they’re password protected. Kindly offer a resolution… Thanks..
the password is “ieltsfever.com”
can i get the explaination of the answers too for ielts academic tests 1-165
Where is answer for question academic reading 1 to 25?
i completed all these tests and can u suggest me more?
i cant find answers foe test 7,8,9 ,10 ??
after solving few passages i come to know that the sequence of question is nlot appropriate like what official Cambridge does pose for eg. question 1,2,3 aswers i found in paragraph c,d,e respectively then after for question 4 ,5 answesr i found in para 2,3, which makes me confuse
hi is this for british council or IDP
very nice work please make your website little faster thanks it is bit heavy
Thanks for all tasks!!!!????
First of all your site is very lexical. Thanks for that, Well It seems that, I’m scoring much lower in academic reading section from your PDF. They seem to be very difficult in some instances, is the same difficulties in actually exam too?
Heartfelt thank you ieltsfever! I scored overall 7 and reading stood at 7! For me that is a great achievement because initially I was unable to complete all the three passages on time! But your mock tests, particularly reading pdfs helped me like anything! Courtesy once again!??
Can you please tell me your trick Bcz I found very hard this mock test. Plz help me.
plz help m in writing teacher????
Sir practice test 6,7,8,9 answers are missing.how can i find it?
Hi, I think there was a mistake or I made a mistake in reading test 4 in the first paragraph question8 . In the heading B there wasn’t mentioned increase to 400 in the year 1965. So I chose answer C, but in answer sheet it is B. Can you please help?
Sir can you please upload the locations for answrs or any link where i can find them..
Thnk you do much
Hi, I think there was a mistake or I made a mistake in reading test 4 in the first paragraph question8 . In the heading B there wasn’t mentioned increase to 400 in the year 1965. So I chose answer C, but in answer sheet it is B. Can you please help?
Sir, can you please upload the locations for the answers.because i have many doubts and these are difficult too OR provide me the link where the readings are solved…
I shall be grateful to you..
And Thank you so much for uploading these useful readings..
Sir,can you please upload the locations for the answers..beacause i have many doubts OR can you please send the link where i can found locations.
I shall be grateful to you.
Thnk you so much for uploading theses useful readings
on every question see also answers file there
Sir i have broblems about answer of 1 to 25 reading section.
Only answers are not sufficient. The hints and locations of answers are must. Para no. And liberals no. The way TCY sends
My friend to told me that this site is helpful that is why I have decided to give it a try
Whre are the answers of reading
check there are also answers files in the post
Whre are the answers
feel heartiest thankful 2 u for providing free of cost useful material
Is there any book available of IELTS READING FEVER ?
so, It’s easy to solve paper
Nice stuff for exam preparation, I noticed as you keep going, the tests are becoming more difficult of which it’s a good thing, all loopholes are exposed ,so that one will have time to polish on the areas lacking before exam
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Can you please tell me that is it sufficient for exam that we just prepare 50 reading for exam actually I filled the exam on 10 August please i have very less time so please suggest me that 50 readings are enough for exam
Can you please tell me that is it sufficient for exam that we just prepare 50 reading for exam actually I filled the exam on 10 August please i have very less time so please suggest me that 50 readings are enough for exam
where i can find solutions with description
Man answers of 6th test are not given . Please upload
I have done a reading practice paper on the top it was named as academic reading 76.Can you plz send me answers of this?
The best site that provides quality material.. Thanks
I wand to know where are my the answers for these practice test 1 to 50
l want to join this group and also have an agent to help me process my papers
got 7 on reading too, big thanks
welcome share your result on your facebook thanks
Hello ielts fever,
I’m very thankful for your services, i practiced from ur pdfs and it worked. Ur work is highly appreciable. I would share it with other friends. In my original test a passage came from ur pdf no 8. However, questions and some passages were changed.
Today, i got my results.
I secured 6.5 in reading.
Thanks a bunch again
Your work is invaluable, and it’s for free! Thank you so so much
Pingback: Ieltsfever academic reading practice test 4 answers - IELTS FEVER
Pingback: Academic reading practice test 30 Jargon is a loaded word
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hey, could you help me attach test 5’s answer again due to was uploaded test 4’s answer.
It’s a two year old material stuff , plz provide me if new available ?
Thanks alot sir for reading pdf plz share next reading
Grt service for IELTS students,can I have some content of writing for general student?Thanks in advance!!!
check the Writing Task Category
Thank UH
this is really useful website …im trying to do all the practice tests..hw can i get the answer for academic listening test 33.i already sent the answers to ur mentioned email id.but no reply.kindly help me to find out the answer keys.
thank you.
Shines ..
Please upload the some more content of reading.
All tests are good study material for preparation of test.
Thank you for your support
Thank you very much for this opportunity.
these are test’s little bit hard for me
In test no. 4 there are 2 “section 2” kindly provide me with an answer sheet for the 2nd “section 3” please email it to
Please sne me the answers for reading test 26
Thank you
I could not find the answer of reading test 26,because the answer odf does not work
are these actually the test that will appear in ielts academic reading?
Sir are these the same questions that we get on our real exam
I am having problem to open or download the pdf ,test is not opening please help
can you explain what type of problem you face
this all test upload by you was a real test asked in exam or practise test???
such a great website
really thank you verrrrryyyy muuucchhhh
This is Professor Badar from Pakistan. I just want to say that my students got 7 bands or plus after i made them use the material available here. Thank You
Thanks for sharing