Dear students here are the IELTSFever Academic Reading Test 34 Answers ( Passage 1 The Story of Silk, Passage 2 Great Migrations, Passage 3 Preface to ‘how the other half thinks’ Adventures in mathematical reasoning ) Dear pupils if you need to clear your doubts regarding these Answers you can ask any question throw our email or you can mention your query in the comments section. or send your questions on our IELTSfever Facebook page
IELTSFever Academic Reading Test 34 Answers
1 | tea | 21 | A |
2 | real | 22 | E |
3 | women | 23 | speed |
4 | royalty | 24 | plains |
5 | currency | 25 | bottlenecks |
6 | paper | 26 | corridor/ passageway |
7 | wool | 27 | D |
8 | monks | 28 | B |
9 | nylon | 29 | G |
10 | FALSE | 30 | C |
11 | TRUE | 31 | B |
12 | FALSE | 32 | E |
13 | NOT GIVEN | 33 | A |
14 | FALSE | 34 | F |
15 | TRUE | 35 | beginner |
16 | NOT GIVEN | 36 | arithmetic |
17 | TRUE | 37 | intuitive |
18 | FALSE | 38 | scientists |
19 | G | 39 | experiments |
20 | C | 40 | theorems |
You can also read the following Speaking cue cards with answers for the IELTS exam
First Sample Describe a Free Day When You Did not Need to Study or Work?
Second Sample A New Public Place Where You Would Like to Visit.
Third Sample An Interesting Conversation You Had
You can also read the following General Writing Task 1 with answers for the IELTS exam
First Sample You have lost your student identification card
Second Sample A friend you met last year has invited you to visit him/her in his/her country.
Third Sample There have been some problems with the bus service, especially its reliability, in your area over the last two weeks.
You can also read the following Writing Task 2 with answers for the IELTS exam
First Sample when someone gets old they often go to live in a home with other old people
Second Sample The threat of nuclear weapons maintains world peace.
Third Sample More people decided to have children at a later age than in the past
These are the Answers of IELTSFever Academic Reading Test 34 Answers ( Passage 1 The Story of Silk, Passage 2 Great Migrations, Passage 3 Preface to ‘how the other half thinks’ Adventures in mathematical reasoning )