Describe a Person Who Helps Others in His or Her Spare Time.
You should say:-
- Who is this person?
- How often this person helps others?
- How this person helps others?
- Why this person helps others?
- How do you feel about this person?
Sample Answer of Describe a Person Who Helps Others in His or Her Spare Time.
Well, it is a moral obligation to help others. It can be provided in many ways like giving clothes, eatable items and now and then donating money to them. Here, I would like to speak about a person who is none other than my mother. She is always ready to help others and sometimes she goes out of the way to help needy persons.
She usually prepares community food and serves it to the destitute and thanks to God by visiting the Sikh shrine that He has offered her this service. She has a soft corner for all and sundry. She actually does this because she is a great philanthropist and believes in humanity. For these traits, she is well-known everywhere and people have great respect for her.
I feel very good that I am her daughter. I also would like to imbibe her traits. I know that I cannot have such patience, devotion, or commitment but I would like to be my mother. So, this is the person who is always ready to assist anyone not only in his/her leisure time but all time.
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