Describe a person who inspired you a lot
- Who is the person?
- For what was he/she inspired?
- Why was he/she inspired?
- How did you feel about it?
Sample 1 Describe a Person Who Inspired You a Lot
Well, inspiration is something that most people need, and if they get it from the right person at the right time, they can do wonders. There are too many motivational speakers available in the world, such as Sandeep Maheshwari and Vivek Bindra, and I know them very well on social media platforms.
However, I know many people who have inspired me a lot throughout my life. Here, I am going to talk about a person who motivated me to clear the exams in 10th grade, and he is my role model. He is none other than my father.
I was sick in 10th grade, and I remember it vividly. During that time, I was not able to focus on my studies, but my final exams were near. Moreover, I lost hope of covering my whole syllabus in a few days.
Honestly speaking, I considered returning to secondary school the following year. When my father came to know about this, he came to me and encouraged me to clear the examinations in the same session.
Apart from that, he encouraged me to study at all hours of the day and night, and he assisted me in dividing the syllabus according to my ability. After hearing his motivational words, I had goosebumps.
To be honest, I studied hard and cleared my exams in third place in the class. All in all, I felt over the moon. So that was a time when I got inspired by my father.
Sample 2 Describe a Person Who Inspired You a Lot
The person who has inspired me a lot is my grandfather. He is an elderly man who has experienced many ups and downs in his life. Despite facing many challenges, he has always maintained a positive outlook and a strong work ethic.
My grandfather has inspired me in many ways, but the most significant is his commitment to education. He grew up in a poor family and was not able to attend school regularly. Despite this setback, he always valued education and made sure that his children and grandchildren received the best possible education. He would always say that education is the key to success and that knowledge is power.
My grandfather’s determination to succeed despite facing many challenges has always inspired me. His dedication and hard work have taught me that nothing is impossible if you put your mind to it. I have also learned the importance of perseverance and how to overcome obstacles by observing him.
Whenever I faced a difficult situation, I would turn to my grandfather for advice, and he would always provide me with words of encouragement and support. His unwavering faith in my abilities has given me the confidence to pursue my goals and achieve success.
In conclusion, my grandfather has been a significant source of inspiration and motivation in my life. His commitment to education, determination to succeed and unwavering support have taught me valuable life lessons that I will carry with me always. I am grateful for his influence in my life and hope to be able to pass on the same inspiration to others in the future.
Part 3 Questions Describe a Person Who Inspired You a Lot
Question 1:- Who motivates children the most?
Answer – In my view, teachers and parents encourage children the most. They always appreciate them for their efforts. Besides this, in their later life, they were also inspired by various motivational speakers such as Sandeep Maheshwari.
Question 2:- How can teachers motivate children?
Answer – Mentors can inspire children in several ways. They can praise their efforts as well as help them to set achievable goals.
Question 3:- How is it different from teaching kids?
Answer – Motivation helps juveniles to pay attention to a goal. Also, it encourages them to do their best in setting goals. Ont he other hand, and teaching means sharing academic knowledge with students.
Question 4:- What should teenagers have?
Answer – Teenagers should have better management skills, such as money management and time management. Besides this, they should have good manners and behave well with others.
Question 5:- What qualities make someone a role model?
Answer – Being a good role model means being committed to the good qualities that certainly make you an example in society, such as being confident, having high moral values, being respectful and positive, but above all, being confident in yourself.
Question 6:- Why should children learn from role models?
Answer – Role models demonstrate desirable traits, such as hard work, determination, kindness, and responsibility, and children can learn from their experiences and behaviour.
Question 7:- Who can influence children more, teachers or parents?
Answer – In my humble opinion, parents are supposed to influence young children more than teachers because of biological and emotional attachment. Besides, from the day a child is born, he or she remains with the parents.
Question 8:- What kind of international news inspires people?
Answer – International news that inspires people often highlights acts of kindness, heroism, and resilience, as well as progress and positive change in the world.
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