Describe a Person You Know who is From a Different Culture

 Describe a person you know who is from a different culture

You should say

  •  who he/she is
  •  Where he/she is from 
  • how are you know him/ her 
  • and explain how you feel about him and her

Sample Answer:-  Describe a Person You Know who is From a Different Culture

Being a social butterfly, I have always been interested in interacting with other people because, in this way, I gain knowledge about different cultures, traditions and languages.

As I am an Indian and I feel proud that India is a diverse nation where people from different cultures and religions live happily together.

Although I know many people from different cultures, here I am going to talk about one of my Facebook friends from south India. She actually belongs to Tamilnadu, and her name is Aadhya. About three years ago, we connected through Facebook and made a strong bond. Despite chatting with each other regularly, we had never met face to face before.

Luckily, two months ago, I got an opportunity to meet her personally when she came to Punjab for a business meeting and stayed at my home for two days. We enjoyed ourselves together a lot and discussed our culture and tradition with each other.

I was surprised to know South India has a tradition of serving meals on plantain leaves, especially at formal events. Moreover, she also told me that south India’s food habits are diverse compared to the northern part. For instance, rice is the regular diet in the South, and coconut is an essential ingredient that they use in every dish.

To add to it, they have 17 plus breakfast dishes, for example, Idli, Rasam, dosa, sambar, Pongal, Vada and many more. One more thing that I found the most captivating about the South is they celebrate a festival named Manjal Neerattu Vizha, a turmeric bathing ceremony celebrated to commemorate a girl’s first menstruation. They gave a turmeric bath to that girl who was in her first period, and The girl put on a beautiful saree and gold jewellery. All the guests are invited to this celebration. This thing put curiosity on my mind to visit once there.

I felt over the moon to have a friend like her who belongs to a different culture but gives respect to all other cultures and religions. Apart from this, she is down to earth and a straightforward person. She also has a few good qualities like a good sense of humour, good communication skills and politeness.

Overall she is the person I know who belongs to a different culture and has a strong relationship with me.

Follow UPS Describe a Person You Know who is From a Different Culture

Question 1:- Where and how can we get to know people of different cultures better?

Answer – In this technological era, we can easily connect with other people from different cultures through the internet. Nowadays, there are various social media platforms, such as FaceTime, Facebook and Instagram, where we can easily discuss our thoughts with others and know each other’s culture. Moreover, because of globalisation, many Arts and cultural fairs are organised by the government where different artisans belong to different cultures and promote their traditional things there. So we can quickly learn about their traditions and cultures. For instance, the Geeta Jayanti fair is held in Kurukshetra, but people from different states and cultures come to participate in the exhibition.

Question2:- How can traditional culture and other cultures coexist?

Answer – Well, in the globalisation era, traditional and modern cultures coexist together, and this is possible only when every member of society puts in their effort. Followers of both cultures should show the same respect and understanding of each other. Along with this, the generation gap also plays a significant role in the coexistence of modern and traditional cultures. For example, youngsters should teach current concepts to seniors, and older people should transfer their traditional values from generation to generation.

Question 3:- What are the advantages and disadvantages of cultural diversity?

Answer – According to my perspective, cultural diversity has more benefits than drawbacks. Firstly people can enjoy different cuisines and festivals together because every state has its traditional dishes and clothing, so cultural diversity allows for tasting more options and wearing different dresses. If we consider drawbacks, people may face challenges in communicating with each other because every culture has its own language. Therefore, this problem may create any issue.

Question 4:- Which Indian traditions are disappearing?

Answer – Due to fast paced life, everyone is in a rat race, and they run behind material things; that’s why a lot of Indian traditions are going to disappear. For instance, the festival celebration is not performed as it did before in the traditional way. In the past, people preferred to make sweets at home and meet others face to face. In contrast, nowadays they don’t have time to do so, and they like readymade packed gift items .In short, nowadays people have started to follow the western culture. They celebrate every special occasion in the same way as western people do.

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