Describe Your Childhood School. Cue Card

Describe your childhood School.

Sample Answer:-

Well, school plays an important role in every student’s life. We get primary education from there which is necessary for being a successful person. Here I would like to talk about my childhood School.

Describe your childhood schoolActually, when I was a kid, there was only one school in my village. Some students went to other schools which had located nearby my village.
And only few students went to my village’s school. I also studied in my village’s school. My school name was S.G.H.S.Public school, Mariana (Moga).

There I completed my primary education. This school was established by a famous teacher of my area Mrs Harjinder Kaur. She was a kind-hearted lady. She gave free education to poverty-stricken students.

Also, She encouraged every student to perform better in exams.
If I talk about my school then, it was a small building with 5 rooms in it. There was about 7 teacher in my childhood School including principal.


Apart from it, all modern facilities were available there such as electricity supply, water tank, a small library, and good education. I believe that it was a perfect school for me which taught me how to gain success in life.

To add to it, all the teachers were very cooperative and good qualified. They taught to all students not only education but also moral values. They also taught to write and read my mother language Punjabi.

More over, I completed my 5 classes there with good marks. When I completed my studies there, my principal close this school due to financial problem. After that I got admission in new school located in nearby town of my village.

All in all, it was a good school for me. I never forget it during my whole life. It gave me sweet memories of my childhood.

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