Environment Protection Speaking part 1 Questions With Answers. These are the IELTS Speaking part 1 Topics and Questions on general topics about your life. Your answers will be from your life and experience.
Question 1:- What can individuals do to protect our environment?
Answer 1:- It is an individual responsibility to protect the environment because if we protect our environment then we could able to have clean air and breathe well. One can protect our environment by not throwing any waste like plastic and waste left from house anywhere in the road instead one should through in the dustbin and not any not anywhere in the ground or in the road.
Answer 2:- First, individuals should start recycling old products such as plastic, paper, etc. ♻️
Question 2:- Do you think you’ve done enough to protect the environment?
Answer 1:- Yes, I have probably have done to protect the environment like if waste through by my friend or my colleagues when we are interacting with each other or during college or school days then I definitely tell them that do not through in the ground it will be not good for our environment so kindly through waste in the dustbin. I always put my waste in my bag if I did not find a place to through them and then I find the dustbin I through there.
Answer 2:- I don’t think I have done enough to protect the environment, but I can do my best. For example, I have started to recycle and reduce food waste. Nowadays, I also carpool with colleagues instead of driving my car to work or study. 🌿
Question 3:- What can people do together to improve the local environment?
Answer 1:- People do many things to improve the local environment like people create awareness about the importance of the environment in our life and celebrate environment day every year in the country importance of the environment in our life then we can definitely protect our environment by that by following the rules and regulations that are set by the government regarding the environment, then we would definitely protect the environment.
Answer 2:- People can use reusable cloth bags instead of single-use plastics, plant trees, and take local transportation instead of driving cars. 🌳
Question 4:- What should be done to protect the environment?
Answer 1:- To protect the environment, it’s the responsibility of each and every person of a citizen of the society that takes care of the environment. If Everyone takes his own responsibility that he or she should not make any harm to the environment that one should definitely have protected our environment so we can also have awareness about the importance of the environment in our lives and following the rules and regulations set by the government can definitely able to protect the environment.
Answer 2:- There are many ways we can help the environment. First, we should start using cloth bags instead of single-use plastics. We should also recycle, compost, conserve water, and much more. 🌍
Question 5:- What is the importance of environmental education?
Answer 1:- Importance of environmental education because nowadays the environment is polluted by different industries and other citizens so it is important that everyone show aware about the environmental education in order to protect the environment and have a good sustainable life in the world.
Answer 2:- Environment-related education is more important nowadays because if people get educated about the environment, they can easily protect trees, save water, plant trees, and use eco-friendly products. They will also follow this education, which will help save the environment. 🌱
Question 6:- Is it important to teach students environmental protection at school?
Answer 1:- yes, environmental protection at school because if students are aware of Environment protection then it would be definitely for the good for our environment and also in the future students can also promote or share knowledge to the others students because students are the youth of the country awareness and importance of environmental protection will definitely protect and we could able to live a sustainable life.
Answer 2:- Yes, definitely. Teaching environment-related topics or subjects at school is very important because children are the future. They must be taught about environmental issues at a young age so that they grow up to lead eco-friendly lives. 🌎
Question 7:- Do you think it is necessary to make environmental protection a subject?
Answer 1:- It should be compulsory to study subject then it would be good for the society and one can able to know about environmental protections and rules and regulations set by the government what the norms and what the different types of Environmental effects and different types of pollution affect our environment and how it would able to protect them what are the precautions and measures to be taken in order to protect our environment so if we can gain knowledge in a school that would be very grateful for our country.
Answer 2:- Yes, definitely. It is necessary to make environmental protection a subject because our planet faces many environmental problems like climate change, global warming, air pollution, and water pollution. It is really helpful for us to protect our planet. 🌏
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