General Reading Practice Test for IELTS PDF 30 Tests

General Reading Practice Test for IELTS PDF 30 Tests

Hi Friends, this post is only for those students who are planning for taking the general IELTS exam. We received so many phone calls from students who faced the problem to find the tests and answers to general reading, so we decided to make your preparation easier.

We merge 30 general reading tests in part one. with answers in a single post so that you don’t face any problem, as a result of it, now you find one-month material ( means 30 general reading tests with answers in one post ) that helps you to achieve your band score. all tests in pdf format with answers

TIPS AND TRICKS ( Must read tip number 3)

  1. Do now spend too much time on section 1 and section 2
  2. Read magazines, advertisements, articles daily life and British News
  3. Ā Practice Practice and Practice:Ā We know this is a very common word which everyone said and believe. it is quite effective. OK, We explain in our wayĀ  Ā (A)Ā  First do the test honestly. do not check answers before completing your test if you do so that’s your mistake you cheat yourself (B) After completing the test. Try to find someone who checks your answers and ask him/her not to write correct answers. Just Tick (āˆš) and cross (Ɨ)Ā  Ā (C) Now you have your answer sheet with correct and wrong answers. To see the wrong answers and try to find the correct answer again. (D) This is the best way to do the practice. this will help to improve your reading skillsĀ 
  4. Make your score chart and do at least one general test daily from this site and evaluate your band score on daily basis.
  5. Know your weakness and learn from your weakness if you need any help you can ask in your WhatsApp group there are many people (students and teachers ) moreover you can ask any query on [email protected] via email

General reading practice test for IELTS pdf 30 Tests

Tests 1-15

1 General reading practice test 1 Answers general reading practice test 1
2 General reading practice test 2 Answers general reading practice test 2
3 General reading practice test 3 Answers general reading practice test 3
4 General reading practice test 4 Answer general reading practice test 4
5 General reading practice test 5 Answer general reading practice test 5
6 General reading practice test 6 Answer general reading practice test 6
7 General reading practice test 7 Answers general reading practice test 7
8 General reading practice test 8 Answers general reading practice test 8
9 General reading practice test 9 Answers general reading practice test 9
10 General reading practice test 10 Answers general reading practice test 10
11 General reading practice test 11 Answers general reading practice test 11
12 General reading practice test 12 Answers general reading practice test 12
13 General reading practice test 13 Answers general reading practice test 13
14 General reading practice test 14 Answers general reading practice test 14
15 General reading practice test 15 Answers general reading practice test 15

Tests 16-30

16 General reading practice test 16 Answers general reading practice test 16
17 General reading practice test 17 Answers general reading practice test 17
18 General reading practice test 18 Answers general reading practice test 18
19 General reading practice test 19 Answers general reading practice test 19
20 General reading practice test 20 Answers general reading practice test 20
21 General reading practice test 21 Answers general reading practice test 21
22 General reading practice test 22 Answers general reading practice test 22
23 General reading practice test 23 Answers general reading practice test 23
24 General reading practice test 24 Answers general reading practice test 24
25 General reading practice test 25 Answers general reading practice test 25
26 General reading practice test 26 Answers general reading practice test 26
27 General reading practice test 27 Answers general reading practice test 27
28 General reading practice test 28 Answers general reading practice test 28
29 General reading practice test 29 Answers general reading practice test 29
30 General reading practice test 30 Answers general reading practice test 30


HELLO Dear friends, you can also check your level in our mock test we are conducting the mock test twice a month for more and detailed information follow the following link you give you a proper band score but you need to register the first click on the following link to get all information.


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93 thoughts on “General Reading Practice Test for IELTS PDF 30 Tests”

    1. Baljinder Singh

      When, I downeload test 10, it downloads 12 and in test 10 section 3rd Q 31 to 40 is missed.

          1. jatinder Kaur

            Could you please be able to send me the answers for General Reading Practice # 10 ??

    1. From where you practice for reading and writing please help I am preparing reading from here ..2 left only ..

  1. I just did two reading test yet .Back home I got 7 bands in academic ielts three years ago but here I scored only 27 in first and 20 in second.may be I am doing after long that is why?

  2. Please provide answers for reading test 21 and 22. The answers sheet attached are blank..also could you please provide me more reading test with answers for practice.. Thanks of great help..

      1. 9- Q 14. The site is suited for people with up to date hardware.
        Answersheet shows H. But about hardware(old computers ) is mentioned in G.
        So could you please clarify

  3. Hello, thanks for all your hard work.
    I’m having a test next month and I just wanna make sure, are those tests verified? Like the ones from Cambridge books? Because they look really good to me (unlike some tests I’ve seen on other sites) so I’d like to know if they’re past IELTS exams or something.

  4. Hello

    Thank you for sharing these. I have one query. For Practice Test 8…in the answers, answer for 3 is stated as false..but there is no information about the penalty of 2%. Shouldn’t the answer, in that case, be “Not Given?”

    Please assist. Thank you!

  5. Hi, practice test number 19 section 3 it says the passage will have 17 paragraphs labelled A – Q, but it only has A-F. Please add the missing numbers. Thank you

  6. Lakhwinder Kaur

    When I download practice test 12 it has not question 31 to 40 plz provide all question
    Thanks a lot

  7. i really dont understand how question 10-13 of test 7 are right in answere sheet. not a single word, synonym or anything mentioned at all in the paragraph ?????
    someone help please.

  8. Thank you so much IELTSFever! I got L=7.5, R=7.5, W=7, S=8
    This is best material to practice.

  9. Test 17, question no 4, I think the ans shoud be NG where you are saying itā€™s true. Can you pls explain why it ll be true.

  10. vibhash Joshi

    Hi Team
    I am just looking for Mock test. pls tell me further process. how I will apply and what will be fee of mock test.
    Any online ILETS classes are available ?

  11. Seem the ans of qs no- 16, 17, 18, test-18 are not logical. I am understanding why uts given with a lot of confusing ans. šŸ™„ As we are not exparts so it’s really become tough when we see these wrong ans.

  12. Dear Team,
    Can you please review the answer of question 28 Test # 7. I believe the answer should be “Not given”

    Thank you,

  13. Hello,

    I have downloaded all question papers few months ago. Now I am solving these tests but couldn’t find the answers for the test 2 to 6. Can someone please help me out with the answers ? I want to check my answers. TIA.

  14. Hello,

    I have downloaded all question papers few months ago. Now I am solving these tests but couldn’t find the answers for the test 2 to 6. Can someone please help me out with the answers ? I want to check my answers. TIA.

  15. Hi,

    I am not able to open general reading test 2 to 6 and test 20. Pls. send the link for the same.


  16. General reading practice test 12 only has 31 questions in the pdf. The remaining are missing

  17. Akram Goenka

    Are you 100% sure of all your answers? Because I’m not sure about some answers in many of your tests. I got no clue why some answers are TRUE, FALSE & NOT GIVEN and also in case of headings matching. Kindly ensure me, otherwise, it is indeed demotivating.

  18. Dear the team, in the test 21 – Question 13.
    Please tell me Why the answer is (i), I think it must be (vi), also question 18 – answer must be (vii).
    Am i wrong??? Explane me, please!
    Thank you!

  19. Mehak Sohal

    Are the general training readings here difficult?
    Does this level of reading come there in the exam??

  20. Mandar Nadkarni

    Test 16, your answer for No 5. is wrong, it should be False, as it clearly says ” Diving is allowed only from Diving Board “… please check and correct.

  21. General reading test 12 only has 30 questions in the pdf but the answer sheet has all 40 answers . Can you please share the correct test question

  22. Suman Suman

    General Test Q2 I think answer is free. But given answer is $4.50. Plz if any one can explain how it is $4.50. It would be great.

  23. Can someone help me . The tests are very difficult .
    We will be giving the same difficulty level exam

  24. HI Guys,

    Could anyone please help me to understand Question 22 and 26 of Practice Test 15.

    It would be helpful for me.


  25. General reading test 12 has only 30 questions in the pdf but the answer sheet has all 40 answers . Can you please add the missed pages?

  26. Please can you tell me that all these practices test are same as actual test? or these tests are made difficult because I personally find it much difficult šŸ™ my max score lies between 18 to 22

  27. Melody Zondwayo

    Are this exactly the same with the lelts general exam l am going to write or they differ


  29. HI

    I would like to request you kindly provide the latest reading practice material

  30. General Reading Test 12 questions 31 to 40 are missing. Please send me the missing page.


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