IELTS FEVER is an online study guide for students preparing for the international English language testing system (IELTS) exam. The website offers various free resources, including reading practice, listening tests, and speaking cue cards. Along with this, ieltsfever provides you with abundant material that helps you get the desired score, such as IELTS general reading practise test including answers. in this post, we will share with you a complete guide about public reading and material related to reading (General reading material)
IELTS material- reading practice
If you are a beginner and want to practice by yourself, you are in the right place. Our website provides you with complete information about how to practice at home. First of all, the IELTS reading module comprises three paragraphs, for which you have to 1 hour to complete the whole reading test. It means that you should have to spend 20 minutes on each section.
The reading test has a total of 40 questions, and you get one mark for each question. There is one positive point the wrong answer does not lose your mark .in simple in this test, no negative marketing. Secondly, you will not get some extra time to transfer your answer on the answer sheet. Last but not least, check your answer by yourself before transfer on the answer sheet because wrong spelling will not give you plus mark.
In the reading module, there is a total of 11 types of questions.
- Short answer
- Sentence completion
- Summary completion
- Multiple choice
- Table completion
- true/false/not given
- yes/no/not given
- Matching heading
- diagram/ flow chart completion
- Identifying information
- Note completion
Paragraphs of Ielts reading are taken from journals, newspapers, and magazines. From the given text, you have to answer the asked questions. We advise you to start reading English magazines or newspapers to improve your reading skill. Along with reading, skimming and scanning are also essential to crack IELTS reading.
IELTS material-IELTS Reading Material
Our website provides you abundant reading tests, which you practice online without paying a single amount, or you can print out reading pdf from our site. In addition, you can find academic reading practice material and general reading material. We upload almost 110 + reading tests for practice. So do exercise and fulfil your dream. Search on site about reading test you can find it or click on below links.
Academic Reading Practice Test
IELTS Material-What are the GT exam and IELTS general reading practice
Well, the GT exam is for those test takers who want to go abroad for a work permit or permanent residency. However, if you also wish to settle in foreign, the general exam should be given by you. It is different from academic in two modules writing and reading.
In general reading, there are five paragraphs whereas three paragraphs in academic reading. However, questions types and numbers of questions are almost similar to academic reading. Few things keep in mind while practising for the general exam
- Read online newspapers, articles, magazines.
- Practice skimming and scanning techniques.
- Firstly read the question and find good keywords that help you to scan the location of your question.
- Then, start scanning that keyword in a paragraph and search for the correct answer.
For general reading material click on below click and find tests.
General Reading Practice Test
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