Internet & Major Part 1 Questions With Answer: IELTS Speaking Test

Internet & Major Part 1 Questions With Answer: IELTS Speaking Test. These are the IELTS Speaking part 1 Topics and Questions on general topics about your life. Your answers will be from your life and experience.

Internet & Major Part 1 Questions With Answer: IELTS Speaking Test

Question 1. How important is the Internet to you?

Answer 1:- The Internet has many benefits, such as it helps me to find relevant information about a subject as it is a pool of knowledge which guides me to know much more about everything and anything that exists in the universe and also it is one of the most effective and easiest methods of communication through social media platforms which works on the Internet.

Answer 2:- Well, the Internet is indispensable for every person in the high-tech era, and I use it for different purposes daily. Moreover, I prefer to use it for academics, households, as well as other types. With the help of the Internet, I explored up-to-date knowledge related to study, and I made many presentations during my studies. Most of the time, I like to buy online products provided by websites at the lowest price, which saves me more time.

Question 2. Do you use the Internet more for work or in your free time?

Answer 1:- I am an IT professional, and my software work on the Internet, so I have to use the Internet daily for work purpose, but also in my free time, I browse about significant things happening all over the world to expand my knowledge of current affairs, and also I play some computer internet games in between the breaks. Nowadays, we use payment gateway methods on mobile, which run on the Internet for making payments at restaurants, malls, groceries shopping, etc.

Answer 2:- Generally speaking, I usually like to use interest for working aspects, such as when I make food for families. Sometimes, I use and attain experience related to the new design whenever I stitch. Apart from that, when I am free, I listen to music and talk with my kith and kin on WhatsApp, so I enjoy myself while suffering boredom.

Question 3. Do you think you use the Internet too much?

Answer 1:- Practically too much! As I mentioned, I use the Internet at work, at home, shopping, at hotels, etc. We are slowly getting into the digital era where everything is digitized, so the use of the Internet will be in the long run.

Answer 2:- It is difficult to say that I am used to it with limitations, but I have all my spare time disbursed on social apps.

Question 4. How will the Internet develop in the future?

Answer 1:- With the help of the Internet and relevant information, there can be many advancements in terms of technology, and the world is already in digitization mode, so it has already started.

Answer 2:- There is no ambiguity in saying that nowadays, the trend of interest is boosting by leaps and bounds due to the advancement of technology and its influence on young people towards multicultural societies and they are attracted to learning new languages, which will totally change their living standards in the future by the education of other aspects of the fashionable brands.

Question 5. Are there any negative things about the Internet?

Answer 1:- Truly speaking, the Internet’s an enormously detrimental impact on health and relationships as they confront difficulties related to eyesight. They usually spend time on social websites instead of visiting grandparents and guardians. Furthermore, face-to-face interactions are decreasing among today’s generation, leading to isolated societies and families.

Question 6. What is your major? Or what was your major?

Answer 1:- As a biomedical engineer, my major is related to electronics used for medical applications. I wanted to pursue my career related to the medical domain as I was always interested to know about the biological aspects and the combination with electronics to make biosensors and heart pacemakers which are not only electronic devices but also a breakthrough in clinical treatments.

Answer 2:- Commonly, I read many subjects in my senior secondary. All the academic subjects were informative for me, but my favourite is physical education, a major in my graduation and popular amongst teenagers.

Question 7. Did you or do you like it?

Answer 1:- Yes, of course, I like it as it has a wide range of job opportunities, including a hospital-based practice as a clinical engineer or an industrially-based engineer.

Answer 2:- I like that subject the most these days because, with this, I become fit as a fiddle as compared to my agemates.

Question 8. Is it a popular subject at your university?

Answer 1:- Yes, it is popular because it is quite multidisciplinary and gives a good foundation in maths, physics, programming, and biology, which gives you plenty of career opportunities.

Answer 2:- Yes, it is a peak point in high institutions, and adults also go to private centres to get health information.

Question 9. If you could change to another subject, what would it be?

Answer 1:- Absolutely no, I won’t change it as I mentioned my interest in biology and learning about other subjects which are in combination with biology.

Answer 2:- Unfortunately, if I get a chance to change, I might choose a science subject because I am keen to learn about new inventions that researchers will conduct.

Question 10. Would you change it if you had the chance?

Answer 1:- For now, I would not change, but in the future, if I do not see myself getting the aspired job, I might take up my second backup as my next career option.

Answer 2:- Definitely, I also mentioned the science subjects. If I get a chance, I will not miss the boat.

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