Making Lists IELTS Speaking Part 1 Questions With Answer

Making Lists IELTS Speaking Part 1 Questions With Answer. These are the IELTS Speaking part 1 Topics and Questions on general topics about your life. Your answers will be from your life and experience.

Making Lists IELTS Speaking Part 1 Questions With Answer

Question 1. Do you make a shopping list while going shopping? Why?

Answer 1:- yes, I have a habit of making a list of all important items that I have to buy because I’m not good at remembering the items, so that’s why I feel I should make a list of the items I have to buy.

Answer 2:- yes, I make a list while I go shopping because it helps me to easily learn things and of course, it helps to save my time without tension as well as taking any type of stress on my mind.

Question 2. why it is important to make a shopping list?

Answer 1:- it is important to make a shopping list because it helps us to make a list of all the items that we need on an urgent basis so that we don’t forget them.


Answer 2:- well, when anyone goes shopping firstly they plan what the things I buy because already everyone set their budget. Secondly, they do not take too much stress on the mind, although he/ she cannot take any unused things.

Question 3. Do you make a list of work? Does it work?

Answer 1:- I had a habit before starting my day in the office, and I used to go through all the emails and then take an action item from each mail. Then, I make a list of all those action items and prioritize them so that I can work and reply accordingly.

Answer 2:- yes, of course, it works when I make a list of my whole day schedule. Moreover, in the morning time, my first work is for dad to make a plan of what things I do within 24 hours. Also, I remember my task as well as full-day I feel relaxed.

Question 4. Why don’t some people like making a list?

Answer 1:- Some people think that it is just a waste of time, and I believe it is these are the ones who are good at remembering things, so they feel that it is not worth making a note of each and every item when they can remember things.

Answer 2:- maybe their learning power is strong, or it can be he /she is lazy to make lists.

Question 5. Do you prefer making a list on paper or remembering it on your mobile phone?

Answer 1:- I prefer to make a list of all important items on my mobile because this is the device which I always keep with myself and on top of that another important reason is like I can forget the paper, or it can be damaged, so that’s why I prefer to keep everything in my mobile because it is always handy with me.

Answer 2:- well, I always prefer to make a list on my cell phone because it is an easier way to note it down anywhere at any time. Also, it never lost here and there.

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