Students at schools and universities learn for more from lessons with teachers than from other sources (such as Internet and television). To what extent do you agree or disagree?
It is well well-known fact that modern applied science has made education global in nature and scope. This is now where more evident that, learners at temples and varsities attain more lessons with teachers than from other ways (such as global Village and idiot box). This essay will articulate its full agreement and will outline reasons for this standpoint.
There are many factors which I would consider to substantiate my view. The primary is that it is a modern era along with competition increasing all the time in every person and in every field. Firstly, students learn many things from schools and universities as they can make a bright future by those places. Learners pick up knowledge about any field from various sources. Secondly, A student who learn better from teachers rather than other things. In other words, sometimes something’s are very difficult because they cannot understand without help of teachers. Many effects like, if students learn from mentors they can easily understand everything about any topic.
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Moreover, education is a third eye of human beings. Firstly, A student who goes to school the they can take participate in different types of activities along with their mind develop and awareness increase by that places. Secondly, if learners learn from teachers due to the their interest increase in study. In fact, if they do participate in various types of activities like sports due to the they can a keep fit health. On the other hand, it is a advancement technology system. Pupil can learn many things from internet and television due to the they can change their thinking along with students can learn related to their study by global village.
When all is said and done, many benefits of internet and idiot box along with people can learn anything by it. But other side teacher is obligatory without helping a teacher they cannot understand some difficult things.
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