new speaking cue card

Something You Did Not Want to Learn Earlier but Now You Want To

Something You Did Not Want to Learn Earlier but Now You Want To

Something you did not want to learn earlier but now you want to speaking cue card with answer Well, as we all know, change is a law of nature 🍃. Interests and hobbies evolve over time. Recently, I’ve developed a new interest that I didn’t have before learning professional dance 💃🕺. During my school days, […]

Something You Did Not Want to Learn Earlier but Now You Want To Read More »

Describe a Tall Building in Your Hometown You Like or Dislike IELTS EXAM

Describe a Tall Building in Your Hometown You Like or Dislike IELTS EXAM

Describe a tall building in your hometown you like or dislike Where it is What it is used for What it looks like Sample Answer of Describe a Tall Building in Your Hometown You Like or Dislike I am gоіng tо describe а high-rise building іn mу neighbourhood. It’s called Paradise Green City, located іn

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IELTSFever Cue Card Example an Interesting Neighbour

IELTSFever Cue Card Example an Interesting Neighbour

IELTSFever cue card example An interesting neighbour, An interesting neighbour Or  Describe a person you enjoy talking with. Or talk about a stranger/ person you met and liked Or talk about an interesting meeting. Or talk about an interesting person. Or talk about an intelligent person Who was it? Where did you meet him/her? What did you like about him/her?

IELTSFever Cue Card Example an Interesting Neighbour Read More »

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