Talk About a Country Where You Would Like to Work for A Short Time: Cue Card

Talk about a country where you would like to work for a short time; You should say

  • Where would you like to work?
  • What kind of job would it be?
  • When would you like to go?
  • Why do you want to work there?

Sample 1 Talk About a Country Where You Would Like to Work for A Short Time

Well, there are different kinds of jobs that people like to do either in their home country or Overseas. Here I would like to speak about a job which I would like to do for a short period of time.

It would be a foreign language teacher, and I would like to go there at the end of this year. I think being a foreign language teacher has a lot of benefits as I would be able to get higher wages as well as I would get a chance to travel from country to country.

It will also enhance my knowledge of the language which I will teach there. I can also say that this job would help me in getting emotional rewards; I can also spread the culture of my country as well as gain cultural values of their country and can spread it in my own country.


So it is a good way for cultural exchange. I think people must have some short-term experience of the related job in other states or overseas. In this way understanding between countries will develop more, and the people would be ready to benefit the nations of another country without any kind of discrimination.

Sample 2 Talk About a Country Where You Would Like to Work for A Short Time

I like exploring new things. I would love to work for a short period of time in the city of Tokyo, Japan. The city is known for its bustling streets, high-tech infrastructure, and rich culture.

I believe that working there would be an incredible experience. My goal is to work in the local culture and gain a deeper understanding of the city and its people. I would love to spend my time exploring the city’s various neighbourhoods, trying different types of traditional Japanese food, and learning about the history and customs of the country.

I would also like to take the opportunity to improve my Japanese language skills. Overall, I am drawn to the unique atmosphere of Tokyo, and I believe that working there would be an incredible opportunity to learn and grow both personally and professionally.

Tokyo would help me to improve my language skills, gain a deeper understanding of the culture and the people, and help me to explore new ideas and perspectives. And that can be a great opportunity for my career growth and personal development.

Part 3 Questions Talk About a Country Where You Would Like to Work for A Short Time

Question 1:- What kinds of jobs are easy to get in a foreign country?

Answer 1:- Well, the job of chef, driver, as well as care assistant are easily available in foreign countries, and people get higher wages for care assistants as well as for other professions.

Answer 2:- The most common ones are jobs in restaurants or fast-food outlets like McDonald’s, Burger King, and Subway, and those on the college campus itself, like jobs in the library, etc. Also, we get a job in cleaning also.

Question 2:- Should young adults work abroad?

Answer 1:- Definitely, young adults must work abroad. In this way, they can broaden the horizon of their knowledge as well as understand multicultural society. They will be independent and hold their responsibilities well.

Answer 2:- Yes, young adults should work abroad because of several reasons to take care of their expenses, become more independent and responsible, and gain experience in the work culture. It is also a good way to learn about that country’s culture, meet new people, and make friends.

Question 3:- If they do not work abroad, would it help them travel to a foreign country?

Answer 1:- Yes definitely if they don’t work abroad still the travelling help can help them a lot they will meet other people and remove their culture shock moreover they will understand the work culture of other countries and learn skills that will be helpful for them to earn bread and butter. For example, cooking and driving skills.

Answer 2:- They would come to know about the culture, meet new people, see new places, and make new connections. However, if they don’t work, they may not be able to afford to travel.

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Question 4:- Do Indian parents encourage their children to work abroad?

Answer 1:- Yes, Indian parents force their children to work abroad. They insist on them so that they can have a better future, career opportunities and high living standards. They can also go abroad along with their children, and they can travel around the globe.

Answer 2:- Yes, Indian parents encourage their children to work abroad. They prepare their children well before they travel abroad about the situations so that they can cover their expenses and also gain work experience.

Question 5:- If you had an opportunity to live abroad, which country would you like to settle down in?

Answer 1:- If I can go abroad, I would like to settle in Canada. The landscapes and lakes attract me to settle there. Apart from it, higher wages and modern facilities are other reasons, and I think I can have a better future there if I settle in that country.

Answer 2:- If I have an opportunity to live abroad, I would like to settle in a developed country, like Canada, Australia, the USA, etc. I have heard from my friends and relatives living abroad that life there is very comfortable, with better facilities and infrastructure. Also, there are a lot of job opportunities available there.

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