Talk About a Fishing Area: Recent IELTS Speaking Topic

Talk About a Fishing Area: Recent IELTS Speaking Topic

  • Where it is?
  • How do you know about it?
  • When and with whom do you go there?
  • How was the overall experience?

Sample Answer of Talk About a Fishing Area: Recent IELTS Speaking Topic

The fishing area I’m familiar with is one located in my hometown, Elmina, in the central region of Ghana, called Mpoben fishing grounds. It had existed for a very long time, even before I was born. I spent most of my years in Elmina, and that’s the place we usually bought fish from. People from most regions of the country purchase edible sea products from Mpoben, a known fishing trading ground across the country. When I was much younger, I used to accompany my grandmother whenever she went shopping for fish and groceries. However, in my teen years, I usually go alone for the same purposes. Mpoben is mostly a busy and crowded place. I had to deal with the unpleasant fishy smell and by-products, specks of dirt and water splashes due to the routine fishing activities, and confrontations with people. It can be overwhelming, but overall it’s an exciting place to deal with all sorts of people and situations while learning about different types of sea products.

Follow-ups of Talk About a Fishing Area: Recent IELTS Speaking Topic

Question 1:- Do you like eating fish?

Answer- Yes, I like eating fish. It is nutritious and delicious, especially when fried.

Question 2:- Do you like to go fishing?

Answer- Though I haven’t tried it before, I would love to go fishing given the opportunity and guidance.


Question 3:- Do people go fishing for hobbies?

Answer- As fishing is mostly for industrial purposes, others like to do it for recreational purposes as well.

Question 4:- What kinds of fish do you like eating?

Answer- People have preferences for fish delicacies. I’m a little picky but really enjoy having salmon, tuna, redfish and doctor fish. Basically, fish with scales and fins.

Question 5:- Why do people like keeping fish as pets?

Answer- There are different species of fish. Some are inedible yet very attractive in terms of colour and size and are appropriate for creating aquariums, so people with an innate desire for keeping pets are captivated by them.

Question 6:- Why is fishing on a decline among youngsters?

Answer- Most youngsters in this current ers are more drawn to technology and white coloured jobs or education. They see the occupation as jobs mostly for illiterates. So it takes only those who are passionate about it to pursue it as a career. Even as a hobby, it’s usually regarded as that for the aged.

Question 7:- Why do children like the sea better than adults?

Answer- As children develop, they become inquisitive and adventurous and like to explore as compared to older adults who have been around for a long time and are used to the environment. Children get intrigued with the sea, especially the beautiful tides.

Question 8:- Do people in your country go fishing for a living?

Answer- Fishing isn’t the main occupation of the people in my country as there are other jobs to do. But it contributed massively to the agricultural sector.

Question 9:- What kind of regions are dependent on fishing?

Answer- Most citizens living along the southern part of the country who live along the shores are directly or indirectly involved in fishing as it forms a major part of the means of livelihood. This includes the fishermen, fishmongers and others, including ordinary people who are sometimes involved in selling and butter trading whenever there is an abundance of fish.

Question 10:- What job positions can be found on or near the sea?

Answer- There are various stakeholders like Ministry for fisheries, port and harbour, the navy who ensure safe practices, sea or swim guards, cargo crews, engineers, ship captains, clearing agents and fishing crew, and many more.

Question 11:- Do you think it’s essential for children to learn how to swim?

Answer- Yes, it is important that kids learn or are taught how to swim. It’s good for their motor skills, and it’s also a means of having fun and exercising. They are also able to combat drowning in case of occurrences.

Question 12:- Do you think it is essential to learn about the oceans?

Since the ocean forms a part of our environment, it is imperative to be well addressed with knowledge so it helps us conserve its nature and fauna. An initiative to include it in academics can help. We can also learn about them through television documentaries.

Question 13:- What are the advantages and disadvantages of vacations at the seaside?

Answer- Vacations at the seaside provide feelings of rejuvenation and a time to have a fun time with loved ones. However, inexperience in swimming or unsafe practices might result in fatalities like drowning or death. There were times when surfers were even attacked by sharks in unsafe zones.

Question 14:- Do you think the oceans should be protected by international agreements?

Answer- There are various laws in different countries that protect the ocean. While some are strict, others aren’t, so It will be very helpful if international agreements are made and enforced to prevent global disaster since one aquatic problem in a particular country has the tendency to affect other places as well. An example is rising sea levels.

Question 15:- Do you think human activities are posing a threat to the world’s oceans?

Answer- It is rather true and unfortunate that current human activities pose a threat to the aquatic world. Harmful industrial and household by-products like plastic and chemicals contaminate the sea. Other unsafe fishing practices with the use of dynamite cause fish and other aquatic fauna to go into distinction.

Question 16:- What are the advantages and disadvantages of travelling on the ocean?

Answer- Travelling by sea can be adventurous, but it can take a long period of time to arrive at one’s destination. There can also be ship or boat wrecks due to bad weather like heavy storms and tides. Sometimes the entire ship can drown if things get out of hand.

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