Talk About a Sportsman Who Did Well at An Event

Talk about a sportsman who did well at an event

  • Who the sportsman was,
  • What he did,
  • What kind of sports Well,

Sample Answer of Talk About a Sportsman Who Did Well at An Event

There are many sportsmen who perform really good in the events they are playing, and every person has their favourite sportsman to whom they admire. I would take this opportunity to talk about an athlete who is my favourite.

The name of this sports star is Virat Kohli, and he was the captain of the Indian cricket team. He is famous as the best cricketer in the world. He is the best batsman.

In addition, he is a very nice person, and his body is so flexible, and his reflexes are extremely sharp that he never misses any catch. With this outstanding fielding, he saves 10-20 runs for his team in every match. Because he is a captain of the team, so he always sets an example for his other team members with his outstanding performance. To maintain his stamina, he spends hours in the gym doing the workout.


In fact, I follow him on social media as well, where he often shares photos with his wife. Virat is my favourite sportsman, and I wish to be like him.

Follow ups Talk About a Sportsman Who Did Well at An Event

Question 1:- Do teenagers like exercising in your country?

Answer – Yes, the youth of my country like to do exercise to maintain their body. Teenagers join a gym and do many exercises in the gym to stay healthy and fit.

Question 2:- Do you think physical education is necessary?

Answer – Why? Ans. In my point of view, physical education is important because it helps people to know more about physical health. And this helps the children to be more attentive and confident.

Question 3:- How do you think physical education classes affect children’s development?

Answer – Physical education positively impacts the ways the brain grows and develops in several ways. During physical activity, the brain is more active with our body which helps to improve cognitive skills.

Question 4:- What kind of exercises do Indian people like?

Answer – In India people like to do walking, jogging and running. People also do yoga and join the gym to stay fit and healthy.

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