Talk About A Time When You Were Asked Opinion In A Survey or Questionnaire
- What was the survey about?
- Why did you participate?
- What opinions do you give?
- How did you feel?
Sample 1 Talk About A Time When You Were Asked Opinion In A Survey or Questionnaire
Well, it happened once in my life when I was doing my master’s in education, and at that time, my guide told me to take part in an honour-killing project. I chose it because it was also a part of my study, and I wanted to improve my knowledge on a different topic. So I willingly accepted the offer.
When I was asked to give my opinion, I had ambivalent feelings as I could not decide who was right, either parents or their children. Before taking part in it, I studied a lot, made many field trips and collected information from the people.
Then I came to the conclusion that if parents take a drastic step against their children, they do it because they want to maintain their status in society as they have a good reputation in the society and if I consider the point of view of the youngsters then I must say that they have a right to choose their partner, but due to immaturity, they sometimes take wrong decisions because they have no good communication with their parents.
Sometimes parents fail to convince their children, and sometimes children fail to convince their parents. I felt very sad about giving my opinion, but I must say that parents are great well-wishers for their children. They educate them and provide them with every facility. I think the communication gap is one of the biggest problems between children and parents. Only then can honour killing be stopped. So that was the survey in which I gave my mixed feelings.
Sample 2 Talk About A Time When You Were Asked Opinion In A Survey or Questionnaire
I would like to discuss a questionnaire I answered some years back; the questionnaire was about the surge in the death rate of pregnant women, if I can recall vividly. It all started when I was still in school, about six years ago, when we were given a top for each student to do justice to it as part of our project.
This common topic was rejected by many as they heard that the previous student that carried out research about the topic failed, then I took it upon myself to unravel it. I then realised that their death was due to ignorance, not mere sickness or infirmity.
I presented my view in front of the whole school. And I was applauded to the extent I was handshake by the head of the school then. I was elated and excited and had a sense of fulfilment of purpose.
Follow Up Questions Talk About A Time When You Were Asked Opinion In A Survey or Questionnaire
Question 1. What kinds of organisations want to find out about people’s opinions?
Answer 1:- There are different kinds of institutions this day that want an answer to a hypothesis and to seek people’s opinions or views about matters. For instance, political organisations will seek people’s opinions about their candidates, and health organisations will seek information relating to their research, social organisation, etc.
Answer 2:- Well, news channels and talk shows usually do a survey to ask about people’s opinions. In this way, they get to know what is happening in society and how these problems can be solved.
Question 2. Do you think questionnaires or surveys are good ways of determining people’s opinions?
Answer 1:- Definitely, yes, there are still the most accurate means of gathering answers or people’s opinions, and they are less distorted. Although there are other means, they are heavily influenced by personal judgement, which leads to error.
Answer 2:- Yes, these are good ways to know more about people’s opinions because these are not an answer to one person, but these are the responses of many people. In their opinion, many solutions can be seen for any obstacle.
Question 3. What reasons might people have for not wanting to give their opinions?
Answer 1:- There are different reasons why I think people can decline to give their take on a matter. This ranges from the type of questions asked to little knowledge about the question being asked. If a question is too personal or addresses too personal a view, an individual might decide to go mute.
Answer 2:- Sometimes people don’t want to give their opinion regarding any questions. There might be many reasons. Firstly, they might feel shy, and a lack of knowledge about the questions also stops them from participating. Moreover, they are uninterested.
Question 4. Would it be a good idea for schools to ask students their opinions about lessons?
Answer 1:- Yes, it is a good idea. Student stand to gain a lot from any questions being asked, as well as it accesses their mental capabilities and how well they understand particular information being ditched out to them.
It also helps the school to know what they are doing wrong or right.
Answer 2:- Yes, taking feedback from the students is a good option because if school teachers ask the students about their opinion regarding any lessons they have taught to them, then teachers can know that their students have understood well and where they need more practice. They can change their methodology and how they can be taught interestingly.
Question 5. What advantages would schools be if they asked students their opinions?
Answer 1:- As I said earlier, it allows schools to understand their stand on a particular right or wrong situation. It also makes such a school stand out among others and could be regarded as a top-flight school.
Question 6. Would there be any disadvantages in asking students’ opinions?
Answer 1:- I don’t think there are any drawbacks that I know of because any questions students could ask would be educative, informative and enlightening. This makes the pupils gain a lot from questions because it opens them up to something they don’t know before. Unless the question is outside the things I have said earlier.
Answer 2:- Well, if I talk about the disadvantages of asking a question from a survey, then some people can give wrong answers. They will not take it seriously, and it can create a lot of trouble; if a survey is done regarding water facilities, many people may give wrong feedback. Then there are chances of exacerbating the situation.
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