Talk About a TV Program you Watched in Your Childhood

Talk About a TV Program you Watched in Your Childhood

  • What kind of Tv Program it was
  • When you watched in program
  • What the TV program was about

What kind of Tv Program it was

Well, during my childhood I had loved to watch many different kinds of programs, But my favorite one was a cartoon show. The name of the show was Mowgli. We all know cartoons are one of the best leisure time activities for the majority of children. I vividly remember my craze for this particular awaited program.

When you watched in program

I used to watch it every Sunday in the morning. I was not only mee who liked it to watch with yummy breakfast but also my siblings used to relish the show. The copyrights of this show had exclusively reserved by The Artoon Network. Owing to this My father had brought us a special cable connection so we kids can enjoy this marvelous Cartoon.

What the TV program was about

The story of this show revolved around the fictional character Mowgli who was an orphaned young boy and his friends such as Bagheera The black Panther and Baloo The bear.


In the story of Mowgli, there was one Bengali Tiger whose name is Sherkhanand his only friend Tabaqir. Both Sherkhan and Tabaqir wanted to hunt Mowgli, and how Bagheera and Baloo speak up for Mowgli, against SherKhan, at the rock council meeting in front of the Master of the Jungle.

There were 2-3 other characters too. Unfortunately, I have forgotten their names. I guess one of them was a snake and the other 2 were the monkeys. It is plenty tough to narrate the entire story in a short time. Therefore, I would recommend you to watch this over Youtube, Because I am also going to watch it again to refresh my childhood memories.

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