The Bar Charts Below Give Information About the Railway System in Six Cities in Europe

The bar charts below give information about the railway system in six cities in Europe. Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant. Write at least 150 words.

The bar charts below give information about the railway system in six cities in Europe

Sample Answer of The Bar Charts Below Give Information About the Railway System in Six Cities in Europe

The given two bar graph illustrate data about kilometres of route and passengers travelling per year in six different cities (Paris, Stockholm, Lisbon, Rome, Madrid and Berlin) in Europe between 1863 to 2001.

Overall, it can be identified that the majority of the train routes are located in Paris, Stockholm, Lisbon and Rome. However, travellers travelled most in Lisbon and Stockholm routes.


It is interesting to note that in 1863, the length of rail lines in Paris is 394 kilometres and the number of passengers travelled in that route is 775 million. Similarly, in 1900, the train line in Stockholm (199 kilometres), which is half of the Paris route whereas the number of passengers travelling, rose significantly in this area to 1191 million. In 1927, the railed pathway of Lisbon is 155 kilometres, while the figure of individuals who visited this place jumped to 1927 million.

The rail lane of Rome is 126 kilometres, but the journey made by the people in this place is just 144 million. In 1981, Madrid rail length was merely 11 kilometre which is negligible and lesser people travel in this way is 45 million. Likewise, in 2001, the railway route of berlin is 28km, and only 50 million passengers travelled on this route.

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