The Charts Show Information About the Number of Kilometres Travelled

The charts show information about the number of kilometres travelled in an average month and the distribution of vehicle types in Britain.

The charts show information about the number of kilometres travelled in an average month and the distribution of vehicle types in Britain.

Sample 1: The Charts Show Information About the Number of Kilometres Travelled

The given line chart illustrates the information about the distance traveled by British citizens per month in three distinct modes, and the pie charts depict the number of vehicles they used to travel this distance from 1990 to 2010.

Overall, it can be clear that the car was the most popular vehicle and had the highest sale among other vehicles. The maximum distance was covered for transport and delivery, while the lowest could be seen for commuting.

To begin with the year 1990, the highest distance was traveled for transport and delivery purpose, which was approximately 6500 km, followed by personal and commuting, with around 3100 km and 1900 km, respectively. By the year 2000, this trend reached its peak at 8000 km and remained constant for five years, but unfortunately, this trend turned negative and went down sharply to hit bottom at 6000 km in the final year. By the year 2000, transportation for personal usage went up and reached near around 3500 km. After a slight recovery, this number crashed to 3000 km in 2010, whereas commuters did 1900 km, and this remained the same for 15 years, but this value inclined to 500 km in 2010.

In regard to further details, the car was the most preferred vehicle in Britain; the figures were 63% in 1990 and 59% in 2010. The truck was the second most famous vehicle, which was almost equal to one-fourth of total uses. On the other hand, buses, motorcycles and others were less popular, and their ratio was under 6% in both years.

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Sample 2: The Charts Show Information About the Number of Kilometres Travelled

The line graph and pie charts illustrate the number of kilometers traveled in an average month and the distribution of transportation types in the UK.

Overall, it can be seen in Britain car was more distributed in the year 1990 and 2010. At the same time, transport/delivery has traveled more kilometers from 1990 to 2010.

The number of kilometers traveled by transport was just over 6000 km in 1990, and it might rise in 1995 before falling dramatically to about 6000 km in the last year. However, the number of kilometers travelled by the person had to go through steady from 1990 to 2000 ( it had approximately 3500km) and dipped to 3000 km in 2005. Commuting goes through steady over the period.

In the year 1990and 2010 car has more distributed ( it had 59%and 63%respectively). At the same time, others have distributed the least.

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