You are about to do a part-time course while working and write a letter to the organization head who announced they could help these types of students financially.
- Explain your experience and qualifications.
- Describe the part-time course you are going to do.
- Explain how this will help you.
Dear Sir or Madam,
I am writing to express my gratitude for the financial assistance you declared to provide destitute candidates for doing a part-time course.
Let me inform you that I have been working as a marketing executive for five years. Being a postgraduate in business management, I had been appointed in your company. In addition, I have two years of experience in a sky-high company.
I would like you to enroll me in a nearby French academy to learn it. I have ascertained that flexi-time is a great advantage to employees. During weekdays, I will be able to attend class in the evening, but, at weekends, I can go to this academy in the morning. Above all, the fee is genuine and within my budget.
Suffice to say that this course will be conducive for upgrading my communication skill as well as for our valuable customers. Having equipped with this skill, it is expected that the sales may increase because there will be no communication barrier. Moreover, for my promotional prospects, it is advisable for me to learn.
I would be highly indebted for your financial help to do this course. Since I have heard that you are taking such a big step for your employees, I feel proud of being employed there.
I look forward to hearing from you.
Yours Faithfully,
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