You Would Like to Work in a Different City to Be Closer to Your Family

You would like to work in a different city to be closer to your family. Write a letter to your employer to request a transfer to another office. In the letter:

  • Explain why you would like to move.
  • Request that your employer places you in a specific city.
  • Request that it be completed by a certain date.

Sample Answer of You Would Like to Work in a Different City to Be Closer to Your Family

Dear Sir,
I hereby write to on compassionate grand to be transferred to our branch office at Herbert Mercury way, Ibadan, Oyo State.

As it is indicated in my medical test at the inception of my employment in the reputation organization, I am a sickle cell anaemia patient. This situation was under control at the time I was employed, however; the crises are somehow critical now in which need I need to be closer to my family members.

Fortunately, all my family members reside in Ibadan city where we have one of our branch offices. Instead, to terminate my appointment, I will appreciate it if I can be transferred to the Ibadan office will grant me the opportunity to be living with my relatives so as to have proper health care.


I would be grateful if the transfer can be perfected by the end of this month of May so as to resume on the first week of next month.

I look forward to your urgent action.

Thank you for your usual understanding and cooperation.

Yours sincerely,

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