Describe a Place You Visited That Has Been Affected by Pollution.
You should say:
Where is it?
When you visited this place?
What kind of pollution do you saw there?
And explain how this place was affected?
Sample Answers of The Speaking Cue Card Describes a Place You Visited That Has Been Affected by Pollution.
Sample 1
Well, I have visited many places. Recently after lockdown, I visited Ludhiana, which is a busy city. I saw this city to meet my relatives, who came from Canada. So I went there by car. I was so unlucky that I got caught in a traffic jam, and it took me two hours to reach his home. Pollution has made the situation worse.
I was totally out of senses because CO2 emission from vehicles did not let me breathe properly. There was smog everywhere. I was repenting over my decision to visit Ludhiana. Ludhiana is also called an Industrial city, but pollution traffic congestion has distorted its beauty.
There are worth seeing places in Ludhiana, but people avoid it due to traffic and pollution. So, this was the city which I visited, and it is the most polluted city.
Sample 2
Pollution levels are increasing at an alarming rate. Industries are mushrooming everywhere. The problem of Pollution is common these days. It is difficult to find a place where Pollution is absent. Here, I am going to talk about a city, Moga, which is very polluted. Last month, my family and I went there for shopping for my sisters’ wedding.
When we entered the city, there was a dumping of garbage on the ground. The Maverick was also moving here and there. There was a lot of noise pollution near the markets. And We faced many problems with traffic. Also, We wasted 1 hr in traffic jams. Owing to this, there was lots of air pollution which were exhaust by vehicles.
Most of the families have more than one car. Due to this Pollution, people are suffering from many diseases like asthma, diabetes, heart stroke. The population of Moga is far more from its size, which has given rise to slum areas in the outskirts.
The people in these areas are mainly due to migration from other states. When I came back from this Moga city, I have a sigh of relief.
So this is the Sample Answer of the Speaking Cue card ( Describe a Place You Visited That Has Been Affected by Pollution. )
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