Describe one of your family members you spend most of the time with?

Describe one of your family members you spend most of the time with?

Describe one of your family members you spend most of the time with? who it is when you are usually together what you do together and explain why you spend the most time with this member of your family Intro: I have always been interested in spending time with superior people because, in this way,

Describe one of your family members you spend most of the time with? Read More »

Describe a place where you want to read or write apart from home?

Describe a place where you want to read or write apart from home?

Describe a place where you want to read or write, apart from home? What is it? Where is it? Why do you go there to read and write? Intro: I have always been interested in studying at quite a place because it helps me to concentrate on study fully. There are some quite places such

Describe a place where you want to read or write apart from home? Read More »

Describe an Important Piece of News That Received in Mobile?

Describe an Important Piece of News That Received in Mobile?

Describe an Important Piece of News That Received in Mobile? Intro: I have always been interested in reading news through the newspaper or Mobile News App because, in this way, I came to know about whats, happenings in my surroundings. However, I would like to talk about an essential piece of news received in Mobile.

Describe an Important Piece of News That Received in Mobile? Read More »

Talk About a Performance You Watched Recently?

Talk About a Performance You Watched Recently?

Talk about a performance you watched recently? You should say: what the play/performance was about where it took place how the acting and the quality of the production was and explain why it was worth watching. Intro: I have always been interested in watching various performances on the internet, youtube, television, and so on because

Talk About a Performance You Watched Recently? Read More »

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