Some People Think It Is Better for Children to Have Many Short Holidays During the Year

Some people think it is better for children to have many short holidays during the year. Others believe it would be beneficial to have fewer, longer vacations. Discuss both views and give your opinion.

It is irrefutable that, due to the modern lifestyle, holidays have become part and parcel of daily life. Children need to have a holiday to relax and restore their mental abilities. Some people believe school children should be given multiple short vacations. However, there is a counterargument that holidays should have for a long time. Both the argument needs proper scrutiny before forming an opinion.

Going with the first school of thought, multiple holidays helps to overcome the mental stress among children. According to them, some school gives multiple short vacations, which brings numerous benefits for students and their families. Even with multiple short rests, children are able to develop crucial potential and easily get familiar with the outer world. For instance, all teenagers need family attention, those who study far away from home, and that time to interact with their near ones after a specific time period. As a result, they feel overwhelmed and easily remember moral values, thus leading to always staying on the right track instead of the wrong society. To add it, when schools give appropriate small trips to children, they easily engage with study and perform well in academic seasons.

The opposite school of thought, however, deems that schools and individuals will not serve any purpose because long holidays also have ample advantages in learner life. After a hectic day of work and pressure of study, no one likes small holidays. Therefore, they expect some long days off, which they can easily restore their memories and gain interest in real life. For example, some families often organise productive trips for several days in which children easily interact and acquire some crucial information from their surroundings and also take a life experience which contemplates as long-lasting for them, whereas spending time in outer destination without reviewing their lesson in class. Moreover, a long break makes children idle and tired and also forget their daily routine, which causes health issues and makes them less efficient in studies.

In the end, after analysing both sides of the argument, I believe that a short vacation must be favourable in the children’s life without taking a break from studies and make their lifestyle punctual. Therefore, long holidays are useful for students studying outside of the country and require a time at least several weeks with their families when they get a sort of break.

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