Some people today believe that the world’s population increase is unsustainable

Some people today believe that the world’s population increase is unsustainable and will eventually lead to a global crisis. Other people believe that the world population increase is necessary and beneficial as it creates the world’s economy and society.

Sample Answer


Some people assert that overpopulation should be controlled, leading to serious issues in the coming years. While others oppose it and say it is profitable for the growth of the economy and society. I agree with the former one and will shed light on both views, along with my own opinion in the upcoming paragraphs.

paragraph 1:

To commence with the first view, which I also support, with the inclination of the Earth’s population, the load on the use of natural resources will also expand, which will lead toits shortage and will vanish One day. Consequently, it will result in wars between nations. So, from this point, an unsustainable population should be controlled.

paragraph 2:

Further strengthening the point, unemployment is increasing day by day. As jobs are less available due to this issue, especially in developing countries. Due to this, the ratio of poor people is increasing all over the world. And, people are unable to earn their basic needs, which is itself a major issue. Overpopulation can lead to many other concerns, so this problem should be overlooked.

paragraph 3:

On the other hand, with the growth of the populace, the society will also grow. As people will help to expand the culture of a particular community. So, the more the individual of the society, the more will be the community’s chances to expand. Moreover, the income of anation will boost with the expansion of denizens, which will widen the economy’s scope. So, people say that it should not be controlled.


to epitomize, the disadvantages of overpopulation overweigh the advantages. So, the council and individuals should follow certain measures to avoid a global crisis in the future.

This is the end of the cue card: Some people today believe that the world’s increase in population is unsustainable and will eventually lead to a global crisis. Other people believe that the world population increase is necessary and beneficial as it creates the world’s economy and society.

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