You have been offered a place at a university and wish to find suitable accommodation. Write a letter to the accommodation officer including the following information:
- the type of accommodation you wish to find
- some details about yourself
- any special requirements you may have
- and any other relevant information.
Dear Sir or Madam,
I am Ankitha, and I am writing this letter to let you know that I have been offered admission to Central University. Let me help you with my details. I was born in Sydney and completed my formal education at Sydney Main School. I stayed with my family throughout my schooling. I am fond of reading novels. I prefer hanging out with my friends over the weekends.
I would like to find suitable accommodation within the college premises. It will be a privilege if a single occupancy room is available. However, I am also comfortable sharing a room with friends as I often spend quality time with my friends.
Furthermore, I would be delighted if there were a few extra amenities that could be provided in the dormitory. I would like to cook my food, hence is it feasible to arrange a room inclusive of a kitchen. I assure you that there will not be any compliance with regard to cleanliness.
Please let me know about the details, and thank you for your consideration.
Yours Faithfully,
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