You would like to start doing physical exercise, and you want to ask your friend to join you. Write a letter to your friend:
- Why do you want to start doing the exercise?
- What type of exercise is it?
- Invite him to join you for the exercise
Dear Paul,
Great talking to you last night! I’m writing to see if you’d want to join in for some outdoor activities that’d help us stay in shape.
You already know that we’ve put on a few pounds and it’d be the right time for us to play a sport, join a gym or maybe go for a run by the beachside every day. The work-from-home schedule has made us a couch potato, and not to forget, our calory intake of junk food and fizzy drinks has made it even worse. I think it already makes me feel lazy, bloated and
How about going for a swim thrice a week? That way, we’ll make use of our membership at the club too. We can also play badminton for an hour or do a plain cardio workout like sprinting or brisk walking on alternate days.
It’d be fun and exciting to do things together that we did in our college days. Remember playing badminton for our University Championship? I think we still have it in us. Come join me at the gymkhana for a dip in the pool on Saturday. We’ll talk about the other exercising days when we meet.
I can’t wait to hear from you.
Your friend,
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