Talk about a Place You Visited That Has Been Affected by Pollution

Talk about a Place You Visited That Has Been Affected by Pollution

Talk about a place you visited that has been affected by pollution. You should say: Where is it? When you visited this place? What kind of pollution do you saw there? And explain how this place was affected? Well, there many places which are highly polluted and it is very hard for the people especially

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IELTS UP- Reading Practice, Listening Test, Speaking Cue Cards, Writing Task 2 Topics

Ieltsfever is a website that helps you to up your IELTS score. It is a free study guide that helps students practice for the academic module of IELTS. Along with reading practice and listening tests, this website offers various other resources for academic writing tasks such as task 1 and task 2 topics. Learners can

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Describe a Piece of Local News That People Are Interested in

Describe a Piece of Local News That People Are Interested in

Describe a piece of local news that people are interested in You should say What was it about? Where did you see/heard it? Who was involved? And explain why people were interested in it? Well, people are very interested in keeping themselves up to date with their locality as well as with their outer world.

Describe a Piece of Local News That People Are Interested in Read More »

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