January to April 2017 cue card topics with answers updated. Hello friends in this post you can get latest January to April 2017 cue card topics with answers just click on cue card and you will get the answer thanks
1 . A Website you visit often answers CLICK HERE
2 . Describe a village near your hometown answers CLICK HERE
3 . An interesting neighbor answers CLICK HERE
4 . An event in the history of your country answers CLICK HERE
5 . A plan of yours not related to work or study answers CLICK HERE
6 . A cafe you visited answers CLICK HERE
7 . A time you spent with a child answers CLICK HERE
8 . A tall building answers CLICK HERE
9 . An Advertisement answers CLICK HERE
10 . Describe a kind of foreign food you have had answers CLICK HERE
11 . Describe a small business that you would like to open answers CLICK HERE
12 . Describe a decision made by others that you disagreed with answers CLICK HERE
13 . An equipment you use at home answers CLICK HERE
14 . A wild animal answers CLICK HERE
15 . A park you visited and liked answers CLICK HERE
16 . A speech you heard answers CLICK HERE
17 . Describe a bicycle/motorbike/car trip that is interesting answers CLICK HERE
18 . A book you would like to read again answers CLICK HERE
19 . Describe an interesting house or apartment you visited answers CLICK HERE
20 . A person you met and would like to know more about answers CLICK HERE
21 . Describe a gift you gave someone answers CLICK HERE
22 . Describe a situation when you were not allowed to use cell phone answers CLICK HERE
23 . Describe a garden you have visited answers CLICK HERE
24 . How you prepared for a happy event answers CLICK HERE
25 . A polite person answers CLICK HERE
26 . Describe an important place like (stadium, swimming pool] in your city answers CLICK HERE
27 . Favorite weather answers CLICK HERE
28 . A shop that has opened in your hometown answers CLICK HERE
29 . Two People from the Same Family answers CLICK HERE
30 . An incident or situation, which made you laugh answers CLICK HERE
31 . Describe a popular place where people like to go swimming answers CLICK HERE
32 . Describe an occasion when you received a good service from or a shop answers CLICK HERE
33 . Describe an occasion when you received a good service from a restaurant answers CLICK HERE
34 . Describe a new/exciting activity that you want to try for the first time answers CLICK HERE
35 . Describe your favorite movie answers CLICK HERE
36 . Describe a place in other countries where you would like to work for a short time answers CLICK HERE
37 . Describe a time you had good experience in the countryside answers CLICK HERE
38 . Describe an activity that is a little expensive answers CLICK HERE
39 . Describe a family member who has had important influence on you answers CLICK HERE
40 . Describe a famous person that you are interested in answers CLICK HERE
41 . Describe a family member who made you proud answers CLICK HERE
42 . Describe a holiday you want to go on in the future answers CLICK HERE
43 . Describe a time you needed to use imagination answers CLICK HERE
44 . Describe an interesting song answers CLICK HERE
45 . Describe a method that helps you save money answers CLICK HERE
46 . Describe a time when you missed an appointment answers CLICK HERE
47 . Describe a person that just moved home answers CLICK HERE
48 . Describe a quiet place answers CLICK HERE
49 . Describe a place where you relaxed answers CLICK HERE
50 . Describe an area of science that you are interested in answers CLICK HERE
51 . Describe a special meal you have had answers CLICK HERE
52 . Describe a team project for study or entertainment answers CLICK HERE
53 . Describe a time you were very busy answers CLICK HERE
54 . Describe an interesting or unusual thing you did recently {in your free time). answers CLICK HERE
55 . Describe a time that you were waiting for something answers CLICK HERE
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I got lot of information, thanks a lot
Please update may june 2017 cue cards
more updated list with answers load in 1 day thanks