May 2021 To August 2021 Cue Cards With Answers Updated

✅☑Hello learners, here is the list of May 2021 to August 2021 Cue Cards with Answers UpDated as we all know that the speaking module is one of the most important parts of the IELTS course. However, it is also true that most of the students are not more confident about their speaking module. They always worried about how will they give effective answers to the asked questions. Sometimes they worried about their pronunciation, speaking style, lack of ideas, .but Do not worry about it.

Here is the solution to your worry. We are providing you with a list of the latest speaking cue cards from May 2021 to August 2021. This list helps the student who wants to good score in the IELTS exam and boosts their confidence level.

Learners can read sample answers of these latest cue cards topic and speak themself For practice. These are the latest cue cards sample for May 2021 to August 2021. Special note for learners this is only guesswork, so be prepare. You can still be asked some different questions in the exam.  January 2021 to April 2021 Also important

May 2021 To August 2021 Cue Cards With Answers

1 Talk about a time when you visited a farm or met with a farmer
2 Describe a time when you saw a wild animal  or close to a wild animal
3 Describe an aquatic animal
4 Describe a short journey that you often take but dislike
5 Describe an ideal job you would like to do in the Future
6 Describe a law on environmental protection
7 Describe a Polite person you know**
8 Describe a TIme When it was important to tell your friend the truth
9 Describe a famous person you interested in
10 Describe a time you need to use your imagination
11 Describe a toy that you liked when you were a child or Talk about a toy you liked in your childhood
12 Describe something important that your family has kept for a long time
13 Describe an occasion when you ate something for the first time
14 Describe a thing you bought and felt pleased/happy about it
15 Describe an interesting conversation that you had with someone
16 Describe a skill you can teach others  or A skill you learned/have and you would like to teach someone
17 Describe an occasion when you were standing in a long line
18 Describe a time you made a promise to someone
19 Describe a person who you think wears unusual clothes
20 Describe a time when you watched a live sports event
21 Describe a home/person/place that you visited and liked but don’t want to live in
22 Describe an occasion when you got lost
23 Describe a time when you encouraged someone to do something that they didn’t want to do
24 Describe a time when you were bored
25 Describe a time when your computer broke down or Talk about a time when you had a problem using a computer**
26 Talk about a person with whom you comfortably share your feeling
27 Describe a time you saw something interesting on social media
28 Talk about a curtain that you like
29 Talk about your experience at a gym
30 Describe  a natural talent you want to improve like sports music
31 Talk about a time when someone/something that annoyed you
32 Describe your favourite flower/national flower of your nation
33 Describe a favourite writer or Auther you would like to meet
34 Describe a city or town where you would like to live in the future
35 Talk about something that you do to stay healthy****
36 Talk about a song or a poem about the history of your country
37 Describe your level of English.
38 Talk About New Start-Ups In Society.
39 Talk about a lazy person you know
40 Talk about a person you know who takes less mental stress
41 Describe a time when you had to learn the words of something and then say or sing it from memory
42 Talk about a place where you have a rest (not home) / Describe a special hotel you stayed in
43 Describe an experience when you were not allowed to use a mobile phone****
44 Describe a piece of news that people are interested in ***
45 Talk about a time when you read a map
46 Talk about a time when you were in trouble
47 Describe a time when you didn’t like the music played an event that you attended***
48 Talk about a person you know who shows their feelings very openly / Describe a person who you think is very open
49 Describe an intelligent person you know***
50 Talk about your favorite kind of weather
51 Talk about a family that you like and happy to know
52 Describe an art and craft activity that you had 
53 Talk about a time when you received bad service at a restaurant***
54 Talk about a decision made by someone but you disagreed***
55 Talk about a short journey you often make that you really do not like***
56 Talk about a time when you first talked in a foreign language***
57 Describe a time when you helped a Friend
58 Talk about a situation when you gave advice to someone / Describe a time when you advised others
59 Talk about a time when you had to wait in a long queue***
60 Describe your first day at school or college
61 Describe a bag you want to own
62 Describe your favorite flower
63 Describe your favorite singer
64 Talk about a time when felt really bored  Sample 2 
65 Describe a plan (not related to work or study) you have for the future.
66 Describe your favorite part of your city or town where you enjoy spending time in
67 Talk about a time when you did shopping in a street market
68 Describe a Puzzle that you solved
69 Describe an occasion when you saw a lot of people smiling
70 Describe a special/memorable moment in your life
71 Describe an argument between two of your friends
72 Talk about a tall building in your hometown that you like or dislike ***
73 Describe a leisure activity near or in the sea that you want to try+++
74 Describe an interesting old person
75 Describe something that you have shared with others
76 Describe an article on health that you read from a magazine or online   Sample 2 ++++
77 Describe a quiet place that you like to go to+++
78 Talk about a movie or film that you like or Talk about a film/movie/ show that made you laugh+++
79 Describes a big company where you live that employs a lot of people
80 Describe an art exhibition that you visited
81 Describe a Piece of international news that you have recently heard
82 Describe an unforgettable bike trip
83 Talk about a computer or mobile game you enjoy playing since your childhood
84 Talk about a goal you hope to achieve in the future****
85 Talk about an interesting tradition in your country****
86 Talk about an old friend you got contact with again***
87 Describe a person who helps others in his/her free/spare time***
88 Talk about a time when you changed your opinion***
89 Talk about a time when you saw children behave badly in the public
90 Talk about an activity you do after work or School
91 Describe a time when you tried to do something, but it was not very successful
Still, January 2021 to April 2021 Are Important Also Read Them

We provide you with the predictable IELTS speaking from May 2021 to August 2021 Cue Cards with Answers UpDated. for answers, click on the cue card topic. All the best for your exam and, please comment your views with us for making our website better.


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Thanks, Students, Dear students, these cue cards will be updated regularly, so you can also subscribe to receive our push notification and like our Facebook page for every update.

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5 thoughts on “May 2021 To August 2021 Cue Cards With Answers Updated”

  1. Describe a place/person/home you like to visit, but you don’t want to live there.

    The place which I love to visit is my aunt’s place, but it is at a 1-hour drive from my residence, whenever I am in town I love to go and see her. I visit her whenever I am in town and when she is at home too. She indeed has a great house, and she loves me so much that I can not go back before I see her. The love and respect I receive there is beyond everything, and I crave for such things. She cooks me my favourite meals, takes care of me and my choices. She takes me out shopping as well. I don’t particularly appreciate staying there because I don’t want to trouble her in her 50’s. When I go there I cook some food from home as when I get there we get time together. I hate bothering her, but she loves to cook for me, so I respect what she says, and we cook together as well. Indeed I have great memories with her.

    Follow Up Answers

    Question 1:-What type of apartment do most people in your country like to live in?

    In my country, most people prefer to live in their houses. They like their own space and want to communicate with the people around and roam outside in the evening for some time or so. Nowadays people are shifting to flats as per security reasons, but all have different opinions.

    Question 2:- Do people in your country like to invite others as guests?

    Yes, people in my country love to have guests over. We here treat guests as god’s visiting. It is believed that where guests keep coming, happiness and joy comes along. We always have people coming over.

    Question 3:- Do people take gifts when they visit each other?

    Yes, people take gifts when they visit each other; it’s considered a gesture of respect and love. In my country, people usually gift cash in an envelope as a gift. They want the other person to buy something of their own choice.

    Question 4:- What is the difference between the houses in the city centre and the suburbs?

    There is a considerable difference between the houses in the city and the suburbs. Firstly the size of houses, the city side houses are conjured in space and are small whereas on the other hand in the suburbs they are vast and spacious. In the same way, is the outer locality and the type of construction also differs?

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